La gente comparte sus mejores anécdotas con actores en mitad de los escándalos sexuales en Hollywood
"No hay que olvidar que entre las estrellas de Hollywood también hay actos de bondad".

Una ola de denuncias por acoso y abusos sexuales ha dinamitado Hollywood en las últimas semanas, dinamitando la imagen de toda una industria.
Entre tanta tempestad, y ansioso por escuchar alguna historia bonita, el artista Oliver Leach hizo un llamamiento público el pasado jueves para que la gente compartiera las experiencias positivas que hubieran tenido con algún famoso:
if anyone has any nice allegations against a celebrity that would be great too. does a famous actor give good christmas presents. does lady comedian alwyays smoke people out
— BAKOAN (@BAKKOOONN) November 9, 2017
Por ejemplo, se preguntó si habría actores famosos repartiendo regalos de Navidad.
Oliver Leach le comentó a la edición estadounidense del HuffPost que es de agradecer que se ponga el foco de la crítica en los acosadores sexuales, pero que no hay que olvidar que entre las estrellas de Hollywood también hay actos de bondad.
Con su tuit, Oliver dio pie a algunas historias maravillosas, como la de la exactriz infantil Mara Wilson (Matilda, Señora Doubtfire), que dio a conocer los bonitos gestos de algunos de los actores con quienes compartió rodaje cuando ella pasó por una época complicada:
"Danny DeVito y Rhea Perlman me dejaron quedarme con ellos cuando mi madre estaba en el hospital para una operación de cáncer", tuiteó Mara Wilson.
Perlman y DeVito interpretaban a sus padres en la película Matilda. Poco después del rodaje, su madre falleció de cáncer de mama.
Mara Wilson compartió unos cuantos ejemplos más de su propia experiencia. También los fans tuitearon algunas historias, tanto bonitas como desternillantes.
Salma Hayek danced with my little sister at a party once, as did Shannon Doherty, and Spice Girl Mel C played Connect 4 with her. Lucy Liu was so incredibly kind and lovely when we worked together when I was nine that she became one of my first big crushes.
— Mara "Get Rid of the Nazis" Wilson (@MaraWilson) November 10, 2017
also when I was an intern at Conan (also a great guy!!), Tom Hanks bought all 50+ interns In-N-Out because he thought we looked hungry
— Rachel Paige (@rachmeetsworld) November 10, 2017
my friend was at the mall in the late 90s crying after a fight with her sister and out of nowhere Tyra Banks came and comforted her
— goblin backup singer (@hunktears) November 9, 2017
Tyra and her friends told her to never let a guy treat her so bad that she cries and she was too surprised and overwhelmed to correct them
— goblin backup singer (@hunktears) November 9, 2017
Denzel Washington helped me down some steps at a play when I was on crutches & Annie Clark (St. Vincent) is super cool. Like fun and funny and warm.
— Ashley C. Ford (@iSmashFizzle) November 10, 2017
I ran into Emma Stone, Kal Penn and Darren Criss at this VIP party. Emma thought my dog was cute. Kal & Darren were really sweet and Kal said he wish he was a journalist.
— sarah amy harvard 💫 (@amyharvard_) November 10, 2017
robin williams was the nicest, most compassionate celebrity I ever had the pleasure of knowing in person. personally saw him threaten to beat the hell out of some rando harassing a homeless person in the ocean district six or so years ago
— Dimsdale! (@caylenb) November 9, 2017
Spying me in a near-empty bar, Nicole Kidman engaged me in conversation for a good half hour, never once bringing up celebrity - instead just talking about life, asking me about myself, and being generally wonderful for no reason other than being wonderful.
— Ted Geoghegan (@tedgeoghegan) November 10, 2017
Met @JohnWesleyShipp at a con a couple years ago. After mentioning my mom's decades long crush on him he suggested we call her. They spoke for nearly 10 minutes and she still talks about it to this day. He's one of the kindest men I've ever met.
— Tacos Are Tasty (@JessicaSiler) November 10, 2017
Woody Harrelson once came into the board game cafe I was working at and asked politely if anybody would play board games with him, then smoked up the whole table he was playing Balderdash with.
— Leaf-Peeping MGK (@mightygodking) November 10, 2017
Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en el 'HuffPost' Estados Unidos y ha sido traducido del inglés por Daniel Templeman Sauco.