Las luces del Empire State apagadas. Ha sido tan solo uno de los últimos símbolos en señal de duelo y protesta por el asesinato de George Floyd en Estados Unidos, pero lo cierto es que las movilizaciones se suceden a lo largo y ancho de todo el país. De hecho, no se había vivido algo parecido desde la muerte en 1968 de Martin Luther King Jr.
Los ciudadanos, a pesar de las amenazas, continúan sus reivindicaciones en la totalidad del país.
Mapa de las protestas en EEUU.UK HuffPost
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Es el foco de las movilizaciones. Este lunes se produjo la séptima noche consecutiva de protestas en la ciudad en la que Floyd fue asesinado.
En un movimiento extraordinario, el Pentágono pidió poner a militares en una alerta de cuatro horas para estar listas por si el gobernador de Minnesota lo solicitaba para ayudar a mantener la paz.
“No hemos terminado”, apuntó ese día Darnella Wade, organizadora de Black Lives Matter en la vecina St Paul, donde miles de personas se reunieron pacíficamente frente a la capital del estado mientras los patrulleros estatales y los soldados de la Guardia Nacional se alineaban en frente.
“Nos han enviado al ejército y solo les pedimos arrestos”, reivindicó. Entre los que protestaron en Minneapolis se encontraba Michael Brown, el padre de Michael Brown, cuyo asesinato por un oficial de policía en Ferguson, Missouri, desencadenó también los disturbios en 2014.
“Sé por lo que está pasando esta familia. Entiendo lo que siente esta comunidad”, señaló.
Minneapolis 2016 - Jamar Clark
En 2016, Jamar Clark, de 24 años, fue asesinado a tiros por la policía, quien dijo que no había sido esposado y que había intentado apoderarse de una de sus armas.
Los testigos, sin embargo, aseguraron que sí lo estaba y que por tanto no pudo luchar contra los oficiales antes de que le dispararan.
Ningún oficial de policía fue acusado.
De acuerdo con dos funcionarios del Departamento de Defensa, toda la Guardia Nacional de Washington DC fue convocada, aproximadamente 1.700 soldados, para ayudar a controlar las protestas.
A medida que estas iban creciendo, el presidente Donald Trump retuiteó al comentarista conservador Buck Sexton, quien pidió “una gran fuerza” para luchar contra los manifestantes violentos.
Este lunes se conocía que los agentes del Servicio Secreto protegieron al mandatario en un búnker de la Casa Blanca cuando cientos de manifestantes se reunieron en la puerta, algunos arrojando piedras contra la policía.
Los más críticos acusan a Trump de buscar la reelección en noviembre y avivar aún más el conflicto y la tensión racial en lugar de tratar de unir al país y abordar los problemas subyacentes.
“No está ayudando. [...] No está liderando, está causando aún más problemas ”, dijo el lunes el alcalde de Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, a la CNN.
“A menos que vaya a hablar de unidad y respeto, reconciliación y reforma para nuestras comunidades, no creo que deba hacer una declaración en absoluto. Solo empeorará las cosas ” añadió.
Nueva York
La ciudad de Nueva York también ha vivido protestas generalizadas. A pesar de que no se ha informado del número de manifestantes heridos, la policía ha dicho que 30 agentes han sufrido heridas leves y 350 personas han sido arrestadas.
El alcalde Bill de Blasio ha confirmado que se está investigando la conducta policial tras los vídeos que muestran un vehículo policial que se tambalea hacia una multitud de manifestantes.
Nueva York 2014 - Eric Garner
Las últimas palabras de Eric Garner, fueron “No puedo respirar”, mientras un oficial de policía blanco lo retenía hasta su estrangulamiento. Estas se convirtieron en el grito de guerra para muchas protestas posteriores a su muerte.
El año pasado, el fiscal general William Barr ordenó que se retirara el caso y el oficial de policía que administraba el estrangulamiento fue despedido pero no acusado.
En Los Ángeles, numerosas celebridades, incluida Tessa Thompson, se han unido estos días a las manifestaciones.
La cantante Ariana Grande, que había instado a los seguidores en Instagram a involucrarse, también fue vista con un cartel de Black Lives Matter en una protesta en la ciudad. El domingo ella misma tuiteó que hubo “horas y kilómetros de protestas pacíficas a las que se dio poca o ninguna cobertura”.
Emily Ratajkowski, Michael B. Jordan, Timothée Chalamet, John Cusack, J Cole, Paris Jackson, Lil Yachty o Machine Gun Kelly también han salido a las calles.
Además, en Santa Mónica, tiendas de lujo fueron saqueadas a lo largo de la popular Third Street Promenade de la ciudad antes de que la policía llegara a la zona y comenzaran los arrestos.
“El vandalismo siguió a una marcha en gran medida pacífica”, según Reuters.
Por su parte, el gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, declaró el estado de emergencia y desplegó tropas de la Guardia Nacional en Los Ángeles después de las protestas. Una noche en la que se recordaron los disturbios de 1992 por la paliza policial a Rodney King.
Los Ángeles 1991 - Rodney King
Rodney King fue brutalmente apalizado por cuatro policías en la calle en 1991.
Después de una persecución, King finalmente fue detenido y se le ordenó salir del auto, tras lo cual fue golpeado y pateado con porras durante unos 15 minutos. Había sido sospechoso de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol.
Un juicio dejó el libertad a los cuatro oficiales que participaron, lo que provocó algunos de los peores disturbios jamás vistos en una ciudad estadounidense. Sesenta y tres personas murieron y casi 2.400 resultaron heridas.
Según los informes, los manifestantes arrojaron piedras y cócteles molotov a la policía de Filadelfia.
Un manifestante fue asesinado a tiros en Louisville, Kentucky.
“Los oficiales y soldados comenzaron a despejar la zona y en algún momento dispararon”, dijo el jefe de la policía de Louisville, Steve Conrad, durante una conferencia de prensa.
“Tanto los miembros de la LMPD como de la Guardia Nacional respondieron el fuego. Tenemos un hombre muerto en la escena”.
Aún no se ha establecido si el hombre había estado armado.
La ciudad de Cincinnati permanece en toque de queda.
Cleveland 2014 - Tamir Rice
Tamir Rice tenía solo 12 años cuando un oficial de policía de Cleveland, Ohio, lo mató a tiros en 2014. Sostenía una pistola de juguete.
Ningún oficial fue acusado.
Cientos de personas acudieron al Country Club Plaza en Kansas City, Missouri, donde la policía desplegó gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a las multitudes el domingo por la noche.
Missouri 2014 - Michael Brown
El asesinato a tiros de Michael Brown, de 18 años, en Ferguson en 2014 es reconocido como uno de los asesinatos que desencadenaron el movimiento Black Lives Matter.
Brown y un amigo fueron detenidos por la policía que sospechaba de un robo en el que se llevaron un paquete de cigarrillos de una tienda.
Las explicaciones sobre el altercado que sucedió a continuación varían, pero un oficial blanco, Darren Wilson, disparó seis veces contra Brown, estando desarmado. La ciudad de Ferguson fue posteriormente escenario de extensas protestas violentas.
La Policía carga contra los manifestantes en Detroit (Michigan).
Un edificio destrozado en Oakland (California)
Protestas en Mineapolis.
Un grupo de manifestantes en una protesta en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, el 29 de mayo de 2020 en rechazo a la muerte bajo la custodia policial del afroamericano George Floyd.
Un grupo de manifestantes participa en la quema de una comisaría en Minneapolis.
Protestas en Minneapolis por la muerte de un afroamericano a manos de la policía.
Protestas en Minneapolis por la muerte de un afroamericano a manos de la policía.
Protestas en EEUU por el racismo en EEUU.
Demonstrators pray during a march, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Atlanta. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)
A protester tries to talk the police back amid tear gas in downtown Atlanta, Sunday, May 31, 2020. Protests continue across the country over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on...
Police hold off protesters during a solidarity rally for George Floyd, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of Floyd, a black man in police custody in Minneapolis who di...
A police officer shouts to members of the media while trying to clear the streets of demonstrators in Memphis, Tennessee, early Monday, June 1, 2020, protesting the death of George Floyd who died in Minneapolis police custody May 25, 2020. (Da...
Manifestantes encienden una hoguera durante una protesta por la muerte de George Floyd el domingo 31 de mayo 2020, cerca de la Casa Blanca, en Washington.
People break into a smoke shop on Monday, June 1, 2020, in New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of George Floyd, a black man in police custody in Minneapolis who died after being restrained by police officers on Memori...
People run out of a smoke shop that they broke into as police arrive on the scene on Monday, June 1, 2020, in New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of George Floyd, a black man in police custody in Minneapolis who died ...
Protestors celebrate after eluding authorities and stopping traffic along Interstate 55 in Memphis, Tennessee, Sunday, May 31, 2020, during a protest over the death of George Floyd on May 25. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian via AP)
Police stop a driver in the SoHo shopping district Sunday, May 31, 2020, in New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of George Floyd, who died May 25 after he was pinned at the neck by a Minneapolis police officer. (AP Pho...
Arrested protesters are loaded onto a transport bus by police on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officer...
Demonstrators march, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Atlanta. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)
Motorists are ordered to the ground from their vehicle by police during a protest on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minnea...
A white man and a black man clasp hands as police in the background guard the old state capitol in Raleigh, N.C., on Monday, June 1, 2020. It was the second day of protests in the North Carolina capital following the death of Minnesotan George F...
A protester runs through tear gas on the Las Vegas Strip on Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Las Vegas, during demonstrations over the death of George Floyd, who died May 25 after he was pinned at the neck by a Minneapolis police officer. (AP Photo/Stev...
A brick protrudes from a shattered window in downtown Raleigh, N.C., on Monday, June 1, 2020. It was the second day of protests in the North Carolina capital following the death of Minnesotan George Floyd while in police custody. (AP Photo/Allen...
A protester confronts police during a rally in downtown Lexington, Ky., against the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor on Sunday, May 31, 2020. (Ryan C. Hermens/Lexington Herald-Leader via AP)
Motorists are ordered to the ground from their vehicle by police during a protest on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minnea...
A woman walks past a store boarded up with a message as protests over the death of George Floyd continue Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Los Angeles. Armed National Guard soldiers lined the steps of Los Angeles City Hall, and cities across California d...
Nick Brentley demonstrates in San Francisco on Sunday, May 31, 2020, to protest the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
CHARLOTTE, USA - MAY 31: Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, protest in downtown Charlotte turn violent in NC, United States on May 31, 2020 (Photo by Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
NEW YORK, USA - JUNE 1: People gather during a protest held against police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in New York, United States on June 1, 2020. (Photo by Mostafa Bassim/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: (This image has been converted to black and white.) Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States follo...
VANCOUVER, BC - MAY 31: Thousands attend a protest against racism and police brutality at the Vancouver Art Gallery on May 31, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. (Photo by Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: (This image has been converted to black and white.) Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States follo...
VANCOUVER, BC - MAY 31: Thousands attend a protest against racism and police brutality at the Vancouver Art Gallery on May 31, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. (Photo by Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George Floy...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: UFC fighter Israel Adesanya joins in the protest down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of ...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: A protestor marches down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George F...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George Floy...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George Floy...
VANCOUVER, BC - MAY 31: Thousands attend a protest against racism and police brutality at the Vancouver Art Gallery on May 31, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. (Photo by Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Motorists are ordered to the ground from their vehicle by police during a protest on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minnea...
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 01: Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration on June 01, 2020 in London, England. Protests and riots continue across American following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minn...
A protester reacts after being hit by pepper spray from police as their group of demonstrators are detained prior to arrest at a gas station on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued sparked by the deat...
A protester reacts after being hit by crowd dispersal rounds as a group of demonstrators are detained prior to arrest at a gas station on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued sparked by the death of G...
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A worker removes graffiti near the White House after a third night of violent protests over the death of George Floyd June 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. - Police fired tear gas outside the White House late Sunday as...
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 01: Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration on June 01, 2020 in London, England. Protests and riots continue across American following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minn...
People remove graffiti near the White House after a third night of violent protests over the death of George Floyd on June 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. - Police fired tear gas outside the White House late Sunday as anti-racism protestors again to...
People remove graffiti near the White House after a third night of violent protests over the death of George Floyd on June 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. - Police fired tear gas outside the White House late Sunday as anti-racism protestors again to...
Un coche arde en Atlanta en las protestas por el asesinato de George Floyd.
Un grupo de manifestantes en una protesta en Nueva York, Estados Unidos, el 29 de mayo de 2020 en rechazo a la muerte bajo la custodia policial del afroamericano George Floyd.
Demonstrators pray during a march, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Atlanta. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)
A protester tries to talk the police back amid tear gas in downtown Atlanta, Sunday, May 31, 2020. Protests continue across the country over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on...
Police hold off protesters during a solidarity rally for George Floyd, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of Floyd, a black man in police custody in Minneapolis who di...
A police officer shouts to members of the media while trying to clear the streets of demonstrators in Memphis, Tennessee, early Monday, June 1, 2020, protesting the death of George Floyd who died in Minneapolis police custody May 25, 2020. (Da...
Manifestantes encienden una hoguera durante una protesta por la muerte de George Floyd el domingo 31 de mayo 2020, cerca de la Casa Blanca, en Washington.
People break into a smoke shop on Monday, June 1, 2020, in New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of George Floyd, a black man in police custody in Minneapolis who died after being restrained by police officers on Memori...
People run out of a smoke shop that they broke into as police arrive on the scene on Monday, June 1, 2020, in New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of George Floyd, a black man in police custody in Minneapolis who died ...
Protestors celebrate after eluding authorities and stopping traffic along Interstate 55 in Memphis, Tennessee, Sunday, May 31, 2020, during a protest over the death of George Floyd on May 25. (Patrick Lantrip/Daily Memphian via AP)
Police stop a driver in the SoHo shopping district Sunday, May 31, 2020, in New York. Protests were held throughout the city over the death of George Floyd, who died May 25 after he was pinned at the neck by a Minneapolis police officer. (AP Pho...
Arrested protesters are loaded onto a transport bus by police on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officer...
Demonstrators march, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Atlanta. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)
Motorists are ordered to the ground from their vehicle by police during a protest on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minnea...
A white man and a black man clasp hands as police in the background guard the old state capitol in Raleigh, N.C., on Monday, June 1, 2020. It was the second day of protests in the North Carolina capital following the death of Minnesotan George F...
A protester runs through tear gas on the Las Vegas Strip on Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Las Vegas, during demonstrations over the death of George Floyd, who died May 25 after he was pinned at the neck by a Minneapolis police officer. (AP Photo/Stev...
A brick protrudes from a shattered window in downtown Raleigh, N.C., on Monday, June 1, 2020. It was the second day of protests in the North Carolina capital following the death of Minnesotan George Floyd while in police custody. (AP Photo/Allen...
A protester confronts police during a rally in downtown Lexington, Ky., against the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor on Sunday, May 31, 2020. (Ryan C. Hermens/Lexington Herald-Leader via AP)
Motorists are ordered to the ground from their vehicle by police during a protest on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minnea...
A woman walks past a store boarded up with a message as protests over the death of George Floyd continue Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Los Angeles. Armed National Guard soldiers lined the steps of Los Angeles City Hall, and cities across California d...
Nick Brentley demonstrates in San Francisco on Sunday, May 31, 2020, to protest the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
CHARLOTTE, USA - MAY 31: Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, protest in downtown Charlotte turn violent in NC, United States on May 31, 2020 (Photo by Peter Zay/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
NEW YORK, USA - JUNE 1: People gather during a protest held against police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in New York, United States on June 1, 2020. (Photo by Mostafa Bassim/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: (This image has been converted to black and white.) Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States follo...
VANCOUVER, BC - MAY 31: Thousands attend a protest against racism and police brutality at the Vancouver Art Gallery on May 31, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. (Photo by Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: (This image has been converted to black and white.) Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States follo...
VANCOUVER, BC - MAY 31: Thousands attend a protest against racism and police brutality at the Vancouver Art Gallery on May 31, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. (Photo by Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George Floy...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: UFC fighter Israel Adesanya joins in the protest down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of ...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: A protestor marches down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George F...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George Floy...
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - JUNE 01: Protestors march down Queen Street on June 01, 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand. The rally was organised in solidarity with protests across the United States following the killing of an unarmed black man George Floy...
VANCOUVER, BC - MAY 31: Thousands attend a protest against racism and police brutality at the Vancouver Art Gallery on May 31, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. (Photo by Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Motorists are ordered to the ground from their vehicle by police during a protest on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minnea...
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 01: Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration on June 01, 2020 in London, England. Protests and riots continue across American following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minn...
A protester reacts after being hit by pepper spray from police as their group of demonstrators are detained prior to arrest at a gas station on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued sparked by the deat...
A protester reacts after being hit by crowd dispersal rounds as a group of demonstrators are detained prior to arrest at a gas station on South Washington Street, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Minneapolis. Protests continued sparked by the death of G...
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A worker removes graffiti near the White House after a third night of violent protests over the death of George Floyd June 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. - Police fired tear gas outside the White House late Sunday as...
LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 01: Protesters take part in a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration on June 01, 2020 in London, England. Protests and riots continue across American following the death of George Floyd, who died after being restrained by Minn...
People remove graffiti near the White House after a third night of violent protests over the death of George Floyd on June 1, 2020, in Washington, DC. - Police fired tear gas outside the White House late Sunday as anti-racism protestors again to...